For most people, that's tricky to answer. Sure you want to experience excitement, taste adventure, seek thrill. You want to really live. But let’s face it, you’re no pirate. You’re far from an astronaut.
You’re not exactly in a position to just quit your job and go traipsing up some mountain like an Ecuadorian explorer. Your life is running errands, paying bills, and fulfilling decidedly adventure-less obligations. You’ve got ”motions” to go through. Day after day, after day, after day.
So life feels a bit black and white, it lacks adventure. Frankly, it’s a bit of a yawn fest. Maybe you've even found yourself wondering, “is this who I’ve become?”
You deserve a colorful life – to jump for joy now. YOU are worthy of thrill. Claim it.
Listen, we get it. Thrill-seeking, taking a big leap, (life in general?) can be scary. We’ve been there, too. Even our most experienced instructors had a first jump. We know what it’s like, staring down at the Earth, wondering if you have what it takes to be the kind of person who jumps into a life they really want to live.
You deserve a colorful life – to jump for joy now. YOU are worthy of thrill. Claim it.
Listen, we get it. Thrill-seeking, taking a big leap, (life in general?) can be scary. We’ve been there, too. Even our most experienced instructors had a first jump. We know what it’s like, staring down at the Earth, wondering if you have what it takes to be the kind of person who jumps into a life they really want to live.
Over 700,000 people have jumped here making it South Australia's busiest and most trusted jump site. Our instructors are trained to the highest standards and love sharing their knowledge and experience with you!
You can jump from 15,000 feet into our exclusive skydiving centre at Lower Light or into the amazing Leconfield winery in McLaren Vale. And you can choose to either do a tandem jump or learn to do it by yourself.
Pick your date, jumpsite, and video package.
And if you’d like, bring your mates along to experience the thrill of a lifetime together.
Get equipment and training from experienced instructors. You’re in excellent hands with the most trusted skydiving company in Australia.
One… JUMP!
Feel the thrill of exhilaration as you reclaim joy for your life.
Go ahead and schedule your jump today so you can stop being the victim of the mundane. Become a hero that saves yourself from an existence of blah in exchange for a life worthy of thrill.
Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.
We‘ve got more than 700,000 jumps and over 60 years of experience under our parachutes.
Our instructors are trained to the highest standards, and love sharing their knowledge and experience with you.
Jump from 15,000 feet into our exclusive skydiving centre at Lower Light or the amazing Leconfield Winery in McLaren Vale.
Allan Gray established Adelaide Skydiving in 2006 and has been operating the business from this purpose built Drop Zone at Lower Light since that time. The Drop Zone is the closest to Adelaide making it the most accessible for guests and one of Adelaide's best adventure attractions.
Adelaide Skydiving is a member of the Australian Parachute Federation which governs the sport of skydiving in Australia. Our Chief Instructor Allan Gray is into extreme sports and has over 30 years experience with the Australian Army and is a former member of the Army Red Berets Parachute Display Team. He holds eight National, one European and two World records for skydiving. He is also a pilot, display licence examiner, instructor examiner, and organiser and jumper of major corporate displays such as the Little Heroes Slow Down Football.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
You’ll be so pumped you jumped, you'll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!
Adelaide Skydiving is your ticket to a life lived with adventure.
All Rights Reserved | Adelaide Skydiving Centre